1. Let’s Take A Walk (“LTAW”) 2024 is the event (“Event”) organised by Raleigh Singapore (“Organisers”) in accordance with these Terms and Conditions (“T&C”) applicable to all Participants. These T&C can also be found at (“Official Website”).
  2. Further definitions follow:
    1. “Official medical staff” refers to medical professionals and Red Cross volunteers;
    2. “Checkpoint ICs” refers to volunteers recruited by the Organisers to help with the checkpoints;
    3. “Event marshals” refers to volunteers recruited by the Organisers to monitor the walk progress of Participants;
    4. “Event staff” refers to all volunteers recruited by the Organisers to help with the event including, but not limited to, official medical staff, checkpoint ICs, Event marshals and Event staff;
    5. “Participant/ Participants” refers to all successfully registered participants (see General clause 4).
    6. “Event categories” refers to all Event categories i.e. 5KM FamilyWalk, 10KM FunWalk, 20KM JalanWalk, 50KM PowerWalk, 100KM XtremeWalk, 20KM Virtual Walk, 50KM Virtual Walk and 100KM Virtual Walk.
    7. “Physical categories” refers only to the Event categories 5KM FamilyWalk, 10KM FunWalk, 20KM JalanWalk, 50KM PowerWalk and 100KM XtremeWalk.
    8. “Virtual categories” refers only to the Event categories 20KM Virtual Walk, 50KM Virtual Walk and 100KM Virtual Walk.


  1. The T&C set out herein apply to all Event categories i.e. 5KM FamilyWalk, 10KM FunWalk, 20KM JalanWalk, 50KM PowerWalk, 100KM XtremeWalk, 20KM Virtual Walk, 50KM Virtual Walk and 100KM Virtual Walk.
  2. By registering for the Event:
    1. Participants agree to abide by the T&C of LTAW 2024.
    2. Participants are deemed to have given written permission to the Organisers to collect, analyse and collate any personal information relating to the Participants, as the Organisers may at their sole discretion deem fit, for the Organisers’ programme, planning, data-processing, statistical or risk-analysis, research, fund-raising and/or, any other purposes related to the Event.
  3. The Organisers reserve the right to contact the Participants via phone or email for any additional information required for matters relating to the Event. Any notice sent to the email address registered with the Organisers shall be deemed as received by the Participant.
  4. Registration for the event is only confirmed and successful after the Organisers receive the correct and full payment and, where applicable, the Age Requirements clauses mentioned below are satisfied.
  5. Participants must sign up through the Registration website no later than 8 September 2024.
  6. Participants will receive an email acknowledgement after successful registration. Participants are to contact the Organisers at if they do not receive the email acknowledgement.
  7. Payments are to be made electronically and are non-refundable. Manual payments will not be accepted.
  8. The Participant agrees to:
    1. Provide true, accurate, current and complete information about the Participant contained in the registration form (the “Registration Data”);
    2. Maintain the security of the Participant’s password and identification, if applicable; and
    3. Maintain and promptly update the Registration Data to keep it true, accurate, current and complete. Otherwise, the Organisers may suspend or terminate the Participant’s registration.
  9. The Organisers reserve the right to amend the T&C from time to time as they deem fit. If there is ambiguity in the T&C, the Organisers’ interpretation is final and in so doing, they will take into account the interests of all the affected Participants. Any amendments to the T&C will be updated on this Official Website.
  10. The Organisers reserve the right to close registration before 8 September 2024 should participation capacity be reached before the specified date.
  11. Walkers are responsible for ensuring that they have successfully checked in at every checkpoint of their chosen distance category to complete the Event. 
  12. Distances stated for physical categories are approximate. Actual route distances may vary significantly.
  13. The Organiser’s decision on all matters relating to the Event shall be final and conclusive.


  1. Unless otherwise specified, bicycles, in-line skates, prams, push carts, shoes with built-in or attached rollers and any other wheel-run objects are not allowed on the walking route for all categories.
    1. For the 5KM FamilyWalk category only, prams and assistive mobility aids or devices (for persons with disabilities only) are permitted but must be used in a safe manner.
  2. Whilst reasonable precaution will be taken by the Organisers to ensure the Participants’ safety, Participants taking part in LTAW 2024 do so at their own risk and the Organisers shall not be responsible or held liable for any injury or death howsoever arising from training for or participating in LTAW 2024.
  3. The Organisers shall not be liable for any loss and/or damage, whether personal or otherwise, and howsoever arising.
  4. Participants should be adequately conditioned and prepared, physically and mentally, to participate in the Event, especially in the 50KM PowerWalk and 100KM XtremeWalk categories.
  5. Participants are strongly encouraged to consult their medical practitioner before participating in the Event.
  6. Participants must retire from the Event immediately if required to do so by any member of the official medical staff and/ or Event staff. 
  7. Participants shall be responsible for navigating their walk according to the relevant route map provided by the Organisers for the respective categories (non-virtual categories only). 
  8. Participants are reminded to abide by traffic rules, laws administered by NParks (see link) and regulations of any venue used in the Event. The Organisers shall not be responsible for any wilful, rash or negligent behaviour such as jaywalking or any acts that endanger or cause any inconvenience to fellow road and park users.
  9. If Participants intend to leave the event prematurely or temporarily retire, they shall update the Organisers immediately via the event hotline. To resume the walk, the Participant must return to the same checkpoint (applicable only to 50KM PowerWalk or 100KM XtremeWalk) before the retirement.
  10. The form on the reverse side of the Participant’s Bib must be fully and accurately completed. Participants must attach the assigned Bib on the front of their walking attire for the ease of identification by Event staff in case of emergencies.
  11. All Participants must be at the designated start point 30 minutes before the start of the Physical Categories.
  12. Participants are encouraged to have a support crew and must be self-sufficient as LTAW is a self-supported event. The support crew will be responsible for providing Participants with their necessities during the event.
  13. Participants are advised to carry and wear appropriate clothing for any weather condition.
  14. Participants are responsible for their own safety throughout the walk and agree to the indemnity conditions provided herein, upon registration.


  1. Participants and support crew shall respect the environment and use the waste and recycling bins along the route or at the checkpoints.


  1. The Organisers reserve the right to cancel the Event at any time and for any reasonable reason e.g. due to unforeseen circumstances like bad weather, NEA advisory against outdoor activities, etc, without prior notice to Participants. However, the Organisers will make reasonable effort to inform Participants prior to the Event. 
  2. There shall be no refund of fees paid and the Organisers shall not be liable for any other loss or inconvenience caused if the Event is cancelled or participants choose to withdraw from the Event.
  3. The Organisers reserve the right to amend the Event routes at any time as they deem fit e.g. for the safety of the Participants and/ or to prevent any potential hazards, without prior notice to the Participants. In such cases, the Organisers will make reasonable effort to inform the Participants prior to the day/ date of the Event. The Organisers shall not be liable for any other loss or inconvenience caused by such changes.
  4. If for any reason, all or part of the event is not capable of being executed as planned, or infection by computer virus, bugs, tampering, unauthorised intervention, fraud, the action of entrants, technical failures or any other causes beyond the control of the Organisers, corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness, integrity, or proper conduct of this event, the Organisers reserves the right in their sole discretion to disqualify any entry or entrant and to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the event (in whole or in part), as the Organisers determines in their sole discretion.
  5. Under all circumstances, registration is strictly non-refundable, non-exchangeable and non-transferrable.


  1. Participants below the age of 16 (at the time of registration) shall seek parental consent by filling out the parental consent form (download here). The parental consent form MUST be duly signed by the parent or legal guardian of the participant and submitted in order for the Participants to be successfully registered for participation in the Event, regardless of whether payment has already been made.
  2. The minimum participant age for any Event category is 12 (at the time of registration).
  3. Participants may be accompanied by their children or dependants who are below the minimum participant age, e.g. for the 5KM FamilyWalk category. In such cases, Participants shall be solely responsible for the safety of their children or dependants, and the Organisers shall not be liable for any resulting losses or injuries. Such children or dependants will not be considered as Participants, and will not enjoy privileges accorded to the Participants such as event packs and event insurance.


  1. Participants who are unlikely to reach a checkpoint or end point within the stipulated closure time as indicated by the Organisers MUST contact the Organiser using the event hotline.
  2. Participants who do not reach a checkpoint or end point within the stipulated closure time shall be disqualified from further participation in the Event.


  1. All Participants must collect their Event Pack, which includes the Bib, on the Event Pack collection date. The venue and date of the Event Pack collection will be confirmed through email. Information will also be made available on the Official Website.
  2. All Participants are required to produce their Confirmation Emails for the collection of the Event Packs. There is strictly no changing of t-shirt sizes once registered.
  3. For collection of group Event Packs, a representative can be authorised to collect Event Packs on behalf of the group by presenting a letter of authorisation signed by the group members.
  4. Participant handbooks will be made available on the Official Website.
  5. Late collection will not be entertained and the Organisers shall not be liable for any other loss or inconvenience caused, due to Participants’ inability to collect their Event Pack. For avoidance of doubt, the Organisers are not obliged to schedule an alternate collection date to ensure that the Participants receive their Event Pack. At all times, it is the responsibility of the Participants to collect their Event Pack on the event pack collection date.


  1. All Participant data will never be sold or exchanged. Raleigh Singapore will only use relevant Participant details to share news and information about Raleigh Singapore’s updates and events, including future editions of LTAW.
  2. The Organisers and the Beneficiary of LTAW 2024 reserve the right to use any photographs (including those of Participants), motion pictures, recordings, or any other media records of the Event, for any legitimate purpose.

IMPORTANT: All information published herein or on is subject to change or expiration without notice. Please check back regularly for the latest information and update.

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