MONEY FM 89.3, 3 Sep 2022
Neil Humphreys and Glenn van Zutphen of Saturday Mornings on Money FM 89.3 took part in the 20KM Sunday walk. They were so enthused by their experience that they invited Diana Ng, co-chairperson of Let’s Take A Walk 2022, and Veena Nanthakumar, Outreach Manager (Children & Youth) at Caregivers Alliance Limited to talk about the event. The hosts and interviewees shared about the walkers and volunteers they met during the event. Listen to the interview here.
Zao Bao 29th August 2022
Coverage of Let’s Take A Walk 2022 in Zao Bao, which included an interview with a beneficiary from Caregivers Alliance Limited (2022 beneficiary) who also took part in the 100km relay walk that CAL had specially organised. Teams of past and present CAL staff, as well as volunteers and caregivers, took turns to walk 10km before passing on their “baton” to the next team.
Berita Mediacorp 26th July 2022
BERITA Mediacorp featured several members of GEMS SIngapore who will take part in Let’s Take A Walk 2022. GEMS is an initiative by a group of volunteers (professionals, homemakers and business owners) who are passionate about sharing the benefits of being active among women.
See whole interview here
MONEYFM Radio interview 23rd July 2022
Neil Humphreys and Glenn van Zutphen of Saturday Mornings on Money FM 89.3 interviewed Bridgette See, Vice-President of Raleigh Singapore about Let’s Take A Walk 2022.
See whole interview here
UFM100.3 Radio interview 22nd July 2022
Deejays Wei Long and Cheng Yao spoke to Diana Ng, co-chairperson of Let’s Take A Walk 2022 about our event.
See whole interview here
Straight Times 28th August 2022
Event coverage of Let’s Take A Walk 2022 in The Sunday Times
Berita Harian, 2 August 2022
Berita Harian, Singapore’s sole Malay-language broadsheet newspaper, published a short online article about Let’s Take A Walk, with a brief mention of the running interest group RunRilexsRepeat taking part in the event. You can read the story here.
The Sunday Times, 8 Sep 2019
Follow Chee Beng’s inspiration story on Sunday Times. You can read the full article here.
The New Paper, 26 August 2019
Money 89.3 FM, 25 August 2019
RDSS and LTAW went on live show with Timothy Go on the Money 89.3 FM to share about the charity and the endurance walk.
Capital 95.8 FM, 21 August 2019
Live show with DJ Shujun on Capital 95.8 FM.
Xin Min Daily, 18 Aug 2019
One of the participants challenging himself to complete a 50 km distance despite suffering from injuries.
Berita Harian, 17 August 2019
Berita Harian did a coverage on a group of Malay ladies who are aiming to complete LTAW 2019.
The gist of the article: Walking for a good cause, and this is no ordinary walk. It’s the second time for GCP and Ros will be the only one from group taking on the 150km challenge, while other members do 50km and 100km. They also share some of the challenges of walking long distances: exhaustion, sleepiness, tired feet and the need for willpower/determination – and they’ve started training.
The Straits Times, 15 Jun 2019
This is the link to the article:
LTAW 2019 and RDSS went on air with Tiong Hock representing LTAW2019 and Jasmine, with daughter Sarah, representing RDSS.Radio Station 96.3 FM, 5 Jul 2019
These are the sound clips:
Part 1:
Part 2:
he Straits Times, 24 Sep 2017
The actual event was covered by The Straits Times and the article came out in the Home Section on Sunday Times, 24 Sep 2017.
Click here for the online article:
HE NEW PAPER, 30 May 2017
Apart from giving coverage on LTAW as an event, The New Paper featured Raleigh volunteers Rae and Faith in this article. The pair of sisters shared their experiences in combatting mental illness: Faith’s struggles with bipolar disorder and Rae’s role as a caregiver.
Click here to read the article!
Capital 95.8 FM, 30 May 2017
Veteran DJ Liang Ping interviewed Poh Joo, our chairperson, Faith Wong, our volunteer who is also volunteering at Caregivers’ Alliance Limited (CAL), as well as Vincent Yong, Founder & Director of Danspire International – our silver sponsor. The trio introduced the event, while PJ shared his own experience of walking 100km and gave details of the beneficiary and the walk. Faith shared about the help that CAL gives to caregivers, and some on mental health struggeles. She also gave advice on what members of the public can do to help people with mental conditions and their caregivers. Vincent shared his expertise in somatics and movement for a worthy cause.
Listen to their interview here
UFM 100.3 Breakfast Crew, 31 May 2017
The energetic 4-member Breakfast Crew interviewed Poh Joo, our chairperson and Tiong Hock our Admin IC on their spirited and lively morning talk show. The entire segment was also broadcast via “Facebook Live”, allowing followers of the radio station to “see” the DJs and our interviewees behind the scenes. PJ shared about LTAW and the rationale behind choosing CAL as the beneficiary this year while Tiong Hock shared personal insights from a caregiver’s perspective, and how we can support caregivers and their loved ones with mental illnesses by participating in this walk. The DJs were so inspired that they signed up for the 50km walk right after the show ended, in turn they also encouraged their fans to do so.
Listen to their interview here.
Berita Minggu, 14 May 2017
Berita Minggu, the Sunday edition of Singapore’s Malay broadsheet Berita Harian, gave prominence to our loyal Malay participants by giving us the entire back page! There were, in fact, two features: one on a big team of Malay women walkers; the second on Md Shariff, who is also known as Singapore’s Blade Runner. Here’s a brief translation of the news pieces. If there are any errors in translation, kindly email us and we will rectify.
“Challenging oneself to participate in a 100km endurance walk”
100km – this is the distance that Ms Suriati Shafii, a housewife with four children, will cover in this year’s Lets Take A Walk endurance walk. Even though she took part in the 50km walk previously, she’s still a little unsure if she can finish 100km. The event, to commence in September, is organised by a body of volunteers from Raleigh Singapore. It has been ongoing since 20 years ago. This year, the funds collected from the event will be channelled to Caregivers Alliance Limited (CAL), which supports caregivers of people who have mental illnesses, as well as to Raleigh Singapore. As part of training, Ms Suriati exercises everyday in the gym and runs to improve her stamina. As for teammate Ms Rosniaty Abu Bakar, 34, this is her first time taking part in the event. “No matter how tired I will be walking later on, it will be incomparable to the fatigue and challenges faced by the caregivers of those who have mental illnesses.” (translated from the Malay language)
For a clearer read, please read this PDF here.
“Blade Runner confident of finishing walkathon like others”
“If they can, I can too!” Those are the words that motivated Singapore’s blade runner, Mr Muhammad Shariff Abdullah, a 48-year-old safety officer, to take part in this year’s Lets Take A Walk endurance walk. Despite having a prosthetic leg, he doesn’t allow his disability to get in the way. His experience in 2015 is ensuring that he will do better preparations this time round. Back then, he suffered injuries during the walk and had to seek help from a fellow walker. To build up his endurance, Mr Shariff has already begun practising by climbing stairs while carrying heavy bags. He will take part in the 50km category, which will take up to 15 hours. (translated from the Malay language)
For a clearer read, please read this PDF here.
938LIVE, 5 May 2017
We are so grateful for Keith de Souza of 938LIVE for being the first to support LTAW 2017! Once we kicked off our registration, he was the first to schedule us so that we could share about our event. Toh Poh Joo, LTAW chairperson, Ong Ling Lee, Raleigh Singapore’s President, and Dr Sally Thio, the Executive Director of Caregivers Alliance Limited (CAL) went “live” on-air from 1030am to 11am! They shared with Keith about the history of LTAW – how it got started 20 years ago when Linglee was just a mere babe (er-hem, who believes her???), and why we want to donate our proceeds to CAL (because caregivers are often overlooked). Dr Thio also shared about the importance of supporting caregivers in the whole ecosystem of support for people who have mental illnesses
UFM 100.3, 6 Aug 2015
Tiong Hock, our co-chairperson and Linglee, our route planner and Raleigh Society president, were invited to UFM 100.3 for a “live” on-air chat about Let’s Take A Walk on 6th August 2015. This was just a week before our registration deadline. At that time, there were about 800+ sign ups. Within that last week, we had a jump in numbers and broke the 1,000 mark to create a new record of 1,100+ registrants! Thank you UFM deejays for giving us precious airtime to talk about why we – volunteers who put in extra time after work almost every night – believe in the cause and are doing this!
Wanbao, 30 Jul 2015
Just days after publishing a story about Sheau Wen, Wanbao wrote another story. This time it was about Tiong Hock, our co-chairperson. It talked about Tiong Hock’s personal challenges in life – from growing up in a financially strapped situation, to having to travel to Turkey last year to search for his missing brother. These challenges and the goodwill that Tiong Hock’s family has received over the years prompted Tiong Hock to step up to organise LTAW for the second year – so that he can Pay It Forward. If you want a closer read, click here: Tionghock.pdf
Wanbao, 26 July 2015
Wanbao, one of Singapore’s two Chinese daily evening newspapers, wrote about our post-humous co-chairperson Lai Sheau Wen. The article talked about Sheau Wen’s battle against various cancers in the span of eight years. More importantly, it shared how Sheau Wen was always brave in the face of pain and disappointment, and how she continued to give to society despite her personal challenges. A strength that we all strive to emulate.
The downloadable PDF of the Wanbao article is here: sheauwen.pdf
Run Society, 26 July 2015
Run Society, Asia’s Leading Online Running Magazine, featured our other co-chairperson Yang Tiong Hock on 26 July 2015. The writer calls Tiong Hock “cute” and encourages readers to walk in his shoes to understand his charitable heart!
938 LIVE, 20 July 2015
938LIVE, Singapore’s English news-talk radio station, gave us plenty of air-time on 20 July 2015. Chan Peng (Raleigh exco member and one of the former LTAW chairpersons), Phern Tan (route planning volunteer), and Bridgette See (Raleigh exco member and Publicity I/C for LTAW 2015), were invited to 938Live’s studio to chat about LTAW with Keith De Souza. We enjoyed the opportunity to share about our cause on-air.
HCA Connect, 3 July 2015
HCA Connect is the inhouse newsletter for HCA Hospice Care, one of the designated beneficiaries of this year’s LTAW. The article, which was contributed by Bridgette See, a LTAW volunteer, talked about Sheau Wen’s ceaseless voluntary efforts despite her cancers, and why her friends decided to dedicate half the proceeds to HCA Hospice Care.
You can read the article here
Gold 90.5FM, 3 July 2015
Gold 90.5FM‘s Mike & Joe Experiment gave LTAW plenty of air-time before our Early Bird registration period ended. Thank you – our registration numbers shot up right after! Our Publicity volunteer Bridgette See spoke with the deejays about the history of Raleigh Society, and why its volunteers are stepping up to organise this crazy event.
Have a listen here!